For many businesses, everything was going smoothly and as planned. After all you’ve been trading for five, 10,15 or even 35 years, and you’ve weathered most business storms. Then came Covid-19. No one saw it coming, or rather we failed to see its immediate impact, and no one could have prepared you for this this “Tsunami”. Tom Fishburne, founder and chief marketoonist at Marketoon Studios, puts it nicely in his latest article on digital transformation and organizational change, that “COVID-19 is accelerating digital transformation at many companies, knocking through long-standing resistance and silos.”. There are a lot of buzzwords doing the rounds, junk status, payment holidays, business rescue, digital transformation and the likes. What do they all mean for me as a small or medium business owner?
“Sinking is not an option, so I have to swim, but how?” How do I transform my business without changing the core “business”? What is going to be the most transformative and cost friendly option for my business? “Marketing spend is usually the first to go, but can I afford to not market my business?” All these questions run through one’s mind.
Let’s face it, at the end of the lockdown, it’s not going be business as normal. What are you doing to prepare and ensure that your business can compete or even just simply survive?
Do you have basics in place, a website, a mobile responsive one? Do you have social media platforms to drive your brand awareness? What is your content strategy?
If all this is already making your head spin, or you have the basics in place but are ready to take the next step…
Talk to us about your digital marketing strategy,
#Digitalmarketing #oohadz #Innovate